To learn more about our or Healthcare Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) check out our resources below.
In order to maximize value, it is very important that the M&A divestiture process be thoughtfully organized. American HealthCare Capital has the experience and expertise to facilitate an efficient and orderly divestiture process with our advisory services. Each divestiture process step presents opportunities and risks that have a direct bearing on the final price. All sellers should:
Develop Exit Strategy
Identify objectives and timeline
Research the marketplace
Prepare operations to maintain positive trends and profitability
Determine Enterprise Value
Recognize key value drivers
Collect and analyze data
Get a third party valuation
Bring to Market
Develop and qualify all viable prospects
Execute Confidentiality Agreements
Narrow the field
Letter of Intent
Analyze written offer of price and terms
Propose counter offer if necessary
Buyer conducts due diligence
Definitive Purchase Agreement
Use qualified transactional attorney and tax advisor
Plan transition using management agreement, non-compete, etc.