Valuations & Expert Witness Services
Determining the Fair Market Value of a healthcare service company is not an exact science. Enterprise Value is determined by the interaction of market conditions and individual company value drivers. Market conditions are constantly fluctuating, but the key value drivers for healthcare service companies are fairly consistent: business mix, geography, and management depth are the most important qualitative value drivers and size, trends, and margins are the most important quantitative value drivers.
Having closed literally thousands of healthcare service transactions, American HealthCare Capital is uniquely qualified to know how much companies are selling for in each distinct segment of the market. We offer a confidential Free Healthcare Valuation over the telephone to any healthcare business that is considering a divestiture. We will tell you what data is required to assess the value of the company and share our analysis regarding current Enterprise Value, including the impact that transaction structure will have on what the seller ultimately takes home.
If you are selling your company or curious about your company’s worth, we can do a complimentary verbal healthcare valuation. If a formal valuation is required for estate planning, partnership dissolution, legal proceedings or any other purpose, we can provide a written report that indicates current Fair Market Value. Our typical fee for a written report is $5,000.
Expert Witness Services
Whether you need a healthcare expert witness who can speak to the fair market value of your healthcare company or a second opinion to collaborate or dispute a third party appraisal, American Healthcare Capital should be your first choice! We are the most trusted name in the healthcare M&A industry. Our valuations are based on our authority and firsthand information from the thousands of closed transactions we have sold over the past thirty years. Professional Business Appraisers and Expert Witnesses do not sell healthcare companies. We do! Business Appraisers and other expert witnesses often rely on outdated, unverified, published, public information for their comparable sales, which can take away from the true intrinsic value of a company. We will testify in straightforward, comprehensible terms based on current market conditions and actual comparable sales we have sold. With our direct expertise, AHC will provide you with the best expert testimony possible.
Our healthcare expert witness services have been utilized in the dissolution of partnerships, divorce, probate, and other types of disputes requiring the services of an expert witness. We are a national company that has testified in federal and state courts, as well as in arbitration and mediation venues. Initial consultations are at no cost. Once engaged, our rates are the greater of $2,000.00 per day or $350.00 an hour plus travel, lodging, and dining when applicable.