Company Overview
American HealthCare Capital is pleased to exclusively present a unique, proprietary, Constant Rate Infusion (CRI) pump technology which has applications in delivering most liquid and injectable drugs to animals over time periods from hours to days. Its low-cost, high accuracy, and wearable design make it a very attractive product to the veterinary market. The company’s strategy is to commercialize this technology and generate revenue in the Veterinary Market as well as critical clinical animal data that will validate the technology for future use in other markets.
The product is a single-use water-activated, wearable, constant rate infusion pump with a 10ml capacity and 48-hour delivery capability. The proprietary enabling technology is a novel polymer that increases in size 700% when exposed to water and swells with perfect linearity, pushing on a plate that squeezes the internal drug bag and forces medication to come out at a fixed flow rate. There are no electronics, no software, and no mechanical moving parts. The Veterinarian simply pushes a factory supplied syringe of water into the pump to start it.
The Market
There is a large untapped veterinary pain market, estimated to be $1.2 Billion annually. This product is superior to the standard pain management currently being used by veterinarians across the United States and Europe with additional opportunities in Australia and Japan. Currently, there are 900 million dogs in the world. Approximately 63.4 million Households in the U.S. own a dog, and $12 billion is spent annually by dog owners.
The company has had over 500 pump sales to 90 unique customers with a 70% repeat rate. The owners feel that growth could be achieved by adding marketing and salespeople, sponsoring a pipeline of Clinical studies that will be published, and using Clinical studies to fuel ongoing CEs at Veterinary Conferences, local/regional meetings, and lunch and learns.
Asking Price
The asking price for this opportunity is $250,000.